Thursday, May 20, 2010

The boutique is OFFICIALLY open

Who knew those gigantic scissors you see at ribbon cutting ceremonies were just a prop? Not me. But I learned that today. The mayor is not available for the upcoming Grand Opening so we scheduled a ribbon cutting for today. Enjoy the photos!


  1. Congratulations on your store opening! How exciting!! ;)

  2. How Cool! Congrats on the new store and the ribbon cutting. Love the scissors, please tell me that you get to keep them forever.


  3. If those are *real* then that first picture is quite frightening! Ha! Congratulations...and following you back now.

    P.S. - I bet Bridgeport, CT is a far cry from Albany, GA, huh? ;)

  4. Those scissors are just a prop sadly (made of wood) and they belong to the Mayor's office for photo ops. But I contemplated make a cardboard version because I loved them!

  5. Congrats on your store! I'm now following you from MBC. Come follow me at Have a great holiday weekend!
